Wednesday 19 August 2020

Main deck and upper deck signal installs

 Progress being made.

Over the last week or so during Melbournes Stage 4 lock down of Covid 19 I have been busy installing signals.

Here are a few progress pictures.

The top deck signals are installed and complete.

North bound on the upper deck heading to Copperville.

South bound on the upper deck heading out of Copperville.

North bound at the intermediate on the way to North staging.

Entering north staging. Is a intermediate signal but ran out of absolute signals. Will make one and replace eventually.

Here are signal adapter boards lined up and ready to install under the layout that then plug into the TC64
South bound on the upper deck heading to Copperville.

South bound on the branch heading into Fairhaven

This is the approach to south staging protecting the hidden track.
North bound on the branch heading out of Fairhaven

More installs to go. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Boy how cool to see signals on a new layout again. You and John are powering ahead. Lots of training might be in order when we get to run again.
    Nice work young master.
